

Named imports can be done with #imports or simply webGpGpu.import('import1', 'import2', ...).

They are meant to be imported once at the end of the day no matter how many time they have been imported and to be imported “in order”

Source of imports

The import source is really up to the developer. A static function WebGpGpu.defineImports({ import1: code, ... }) allows to dynamically define them.

A good way to do it when using vite is:

const shaderImports = import.meta.glob(`${wgslFolder}/*.wgsl`, { query: '?raw', eager: true })
for (const path in shaderImports)
	shaders[/\/([^\/]*)\.wgsl/.exec(path)![1]] = (shaderImports[path] as any).default as string


interface CodeParts {
	imports?: Iterable<PropertyKey>
	definitions?: Record<PropertyKey, string>
	declaration?: string
	initialization?: string
	computation?: string
	finalization?: string

Imports are defined with code parts.

As these imports are used in a shader (declaring a function), in the case childImport imports parentImport and is imported in a code generation, then here is how the generated code will look like:

fn main(...){

	... // Main code given to compute, the argument of `kernel` for example.

Pre-processor directives

There can be several statements of each sort, several code block of the same kind will just be concatenated. The first part of the library (without any statement) is the declaration.

The system is so done that libraries access, in their code, only variables they declare themselves or which are declared by imports they specify.

## Example

 // This library is used with some input/output declarations TS-side
var<private> scaleFactor: f32;

	scaleFactor = 2.0;
	let scaledValue = input[thread.x] * scaleFactor;
	output[thread.x] = scaledValue;

This library lets a code importing it change the scaleFactor variable without having to know about its existence, and even the scaledInput result before its writing into output.